Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Drawing on her experience as a journalist and television producer at the CBC, as an advisor to politicians on Parliament Hill in Canada, and as the author of The Defilers, a suspense novel which won the 2005 Best New Canadian Christian Author Award, Deborah Gyapong shares insights into what makes a good leader, how to manage stress, and how to persevere in following your dream.

Deborah also enjoys speaking to writers about how to market their work to the mainstream media because she knows what persuaded her as a producer of nationally broadcast programs to book authors for television interviews or panels.

Other life experiences that Deborah brings to bear in her engaging talks include: homesteading on a small farm in Nova Scotia, selling real estate, working as the editor/reporter/photographer for a rural newspaper, and raising two sons.

A natural storyteller, Deborah is a gifted and humorous encourager who loves to share her insight into human nature through tales of how she learned the hard way.

She has spoken on a range of subjects from: Gaining the attention of the mainstream media; Being a person of faith in the newsroom; The building blocks of fiction, and Storyboarding for stress management. Deborah can tailor a workshop or talk to fit the theme of your conference or event.

Deborah has been on the faculty of Canada's national writers' conference Write! Canada for the past three years. She was both keynote and plenary speaker at the InScribe Christian Writers' Fellowship Conference in Edmonton, Alberta in September, 2004. She held a workshop on Storyboarding at Write! Toronto in November, 2004.


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